Christmas and New year celebrations are over, 2020 is here and it’s time to look back at the previous year. When it comes to sailing and travelling around the world, last year was short but intensive. It started in july/august when I first began talking seriously with Dad about sailing around the world, although at the time we didn’t know whether it would be even possible at all and a lot of questions was raised about money, work and current living to name a few. The mere thought of living on a boat for such a long time and so far from known waters was quite scary. What if something happens, what do we do? Will I manage moving from an apartment in a big city to a boat for 6 months?
Despite the many questions and without knowing if it would be possible in practice in such short time we began preparing. Dad started working on the boat which need fixing and upgrading from top to bottom. Everything from electronics equipment, engine, watermaker to wire, ropes and sails has to be checked and fixed when needed. New autopilot, AIS and satellite connection need to be installed or upgraded.
I got my Coastal yachtmaster certificate and have been working with the website, Youtube and Facebook to create a platform where we can share our journey with anyone that is interested. I believe it’s important for family and friends to be able to follow us and keep an eye on where we are and what we’re up to as we won’t be able to see each other that much.
Me and Dad have met a number of times to sit down and talk through different topics and questions, plan routes and research which harbors we can berth.
It’s now january and time to look forward. With less than four months left until departure I can now check two more things on my “to do” list, a new offshore set and a life vest. That means I now have more post-it notes on the “Done” side of my fridge than I have on my “Todo” side!
In february me and Dad will attend a course “Offshore Personal Safety” that is aimed at teaching us about personal safety onboard, firefighting, man overboard and liferafts. March and april will most likely be used to deal with all the practical “must do” like renting out my apartment, put stuff in storage and make sure I have everything packed.
We move in full time on the boat in May. It’s getting close now, we’re leaving soon!